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Easy to get started
Choose a trader & hit “COPY” button
Slide “Copy Fund” to allocate your equity
Input the copy amount by “Min/Max” or “Ratio”
Essential tools for Copy Trading
Min / Max limit
When the equity used by Kaptain exceeds your Min/Max range, the minimum or maximum will be applied to copy their trades. You can use the same amount for both limits.
Fixed ratio
A fixed percentage will be applied across all your copied trades. For example: if you set a 10% ratio, when the Kaptain trades $100, you will trade $10.
Become a Kaptain
When someone copies you, you will automatically become their Kaptain, magnifying your followers to attract more copiers!
Reaping commissions from trades
Copy Fee
You will receive a Copy Fee directly added to your account for every winning copied trade.
You will be rewarded with a bonus once the copier makes a profit.